SAP QM Consultant

SAP, supply chain & operations, lot of experience, consultant
Budapest / Debrecen

Quality is becoming ever-more important in a growing number of sectors and areas, such as the food industry for example, and it is therefore becoming increasingly important for us at delaware too. As an absolute SAP expert we are fully committed to all SAP modules and you can help us to raise quality standards at our clients’ companies even further!

What will you be doing as an SAP QM consultant?

  • You will work in SAP within the QM processes during the entire product cycle: from receipt of goods via the production processes themselves up to and including shipment of the end product (final check).
  • Since you’re involved in a significant number of different phases of product lifecycle management (PLM), you will also have regular contact with various SAP teams within delaware. Therefore, your QM processes are often closely aligned with many processes of other (SAP) modules.
  • You’ll be working on both new QM implementations and on updates of existing QM setups.
  • You will be participating in projects where QM is implemented in a larger ERP project, but also in smaller follow-up projects and optimizations.
  • You will be working for many different customers in diverse industries, so you’re assured of plenty of variety.
  • You will have the opportunity to further specialize in your QM area of expertise. Who knows, you could become the QM pioneer within delaware.
  • You will have the chance to come into contact with HANA, cloud, all kinds of integrations with other components (e.g. EHS, Project Systems), new emerging technologies and more. So there will be lots of scope to gain new insights.

Do you have what it takes to become an SAP QM consultant?

Does the profile below fit you like a glove? If so, we’d like to get to know you better.

  • You have extensive experience of SAP QM processes within the entire supply chain (including manufacturing) and can organize and configure the system with impressive ease.
  • On top of that, you can combine your knowledge of Quality Management (QM) with other linked areas of expertise such as Materials Management (MM), Production & Planning (PP), Recipe Development (RD), Warehouse Management (WM) or Plant Maintenance (PM) or you are willing to expand your expertise to one of these areas.
  • You have relevant experience within QM as a consultant or internal employee, which means you can be fully operational immediately. Or perhaps you’ve been a key user of SAP and are now keen to move into configuration. If so, we’d also love to hear from you.
  • You’re very familiar with various business processes and how they are connected to quality. You are also quick to apply your QM component wherever relevant and at the right stage in the production process.
  • You can formulate the specifications that our developers need for correct setup and personalization of the system. If you also have some experience of ABAP, that would be particularly advantageous.
  • You are interested in emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence in the context of quality management.
  • You communicate fluently in Hungarian as well as English.


Do our company values appeal to you? We take care of our employees and customers, we are committed, enterprising and respectful, and we do everything based on a sense of positive team spirit

Want to discover more?

Alternatively, take a look at our Operational Excellence web pages.

You can also get a sense of what it’s like to work for us here, but we’re even nicer in real life!

Are you keen to help us grow our SAP teams? Click the Apply Now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!


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