Learning & Development Coordinator

fonctions de support, un peu d'experience, service support

You get energized from planning, organizing and facilitating events! On top of that, you have a big interest in learning & development!

Precision and hands-on work are key elements that you like on your daily job.

You highly value team work.  For you it is always about team effort to provide good and qualitative services.

You like to think in processes, provide solutions and being a critical thinker, there is always room for improvement!

If the combination L&D and event coordinator is something that speaks to you, then this opportunity might be the one that you are looking for!

What will you be doing?

  • You will help us bring to life our L&D offsite offerings and our famous ‘bootcamps’: multi-day training programs for the different levels in our organization. This entails:
    • Looking for accommodations, discussing offers, working with providers…
    • Being in charge of good communication with participants and stakeholders.
    • Co-creating the program/agenda with the responsible L&D Specialist, aligning on content, etc.
    • Following up on the registration of participants.
    • Being present and facilitating on site.
    • Gathering feedback, evaluating the event and looking for optimizations.
    • Setting up the different programs in our LMS.
  • You will keep track of the budget and process the invoices, ensuring the events stay within the allocated budget
  • Together with your L&D colleagues, you will follow up on a variety of questions coming in via the shared mailbox.

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Paula Montes - Recruiter

Who are we?

We are the delaware Learning & Development team. Our ultimate goal is to empower the #peopleofdelaware to become the best possible version of themselves: to grow and develop so they can offer our customers the best solutions. People really are our greatest asset, so we feel it’s incredibly important to offer them the right learning practices to help them advance in their careers.

This doesn’t mean that our employees should passively consume whatever training we offer to them. Our goal is to activate our learners ánd their leadership to adopt a growth mindset and take ownership.

We aspire to make a lasting impact. That’s why we collect feedback and continuously evaluate our learning practices.

Did you know we won an L&D award for our new bootcamp format?

Is there a match?

Let’s see. If you…

  • have 2 to 3 years of experience in administrative or event planner positions. Are you just getting started and checking the boxes below, than don’t hesitate to reach out as well
  • have built up expertise or at least a strong interest in a learning & development environment
  • do not mind traveling to different locations to provide support for our L&D events. Needless to say, driving will be part of the job (you need a driver’s license)
  • have strong organizational skills and are able to prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines. Project management skills can be valuable as well.


  • are Excel savvy
  • are flexible in work and a good communicator who can secure deals with existing or new suppliers
  • think in solutions, every problem is after all an opportunity for improvement
  • are service- and people-minded, but also goal oriented & stress resistant
  • fluently speak and write English and Dutch or French

…then we would love to meet you and have a chat together!

Let's meet up!

Are you keen to help us grow our Learning & Development team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners.

notre jobs

processus de recrutement

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stratégie de rémunération