Payroll and Comp&Ben Enthusiast

SAP, RH technology, un peu d'experience, service support

Nothing gets you as excited as numbers, accuracy and tight deadlines. Your analytical mind acquires insight in new and complex matters easily and your strong problem-solving skills ensure you always look for process and system improvement. You have a hands-on mentality and a can-do attitude – once you sink your teeth into something, you won’t let go until it’s a done deal.

Payroll processing holds no secrets for you, and you consider simulating net salaries child’s play. You like to be(come) the Expert in in Belgian, Luxemburg and European tax law and social legislation. You like to keep your finger at the pulse on Comp&Ben trends, and they inspire you to analyze and explore added value for our company to continuously keep our reward packages top notch!

What will you be doing?

You’ll be working closely together with your colleagues to prepare and execute all payroll. By the way, we’ll train you the ins and outs of more complex comp and ben expertise, such as warrants, bonus plans and payroll costing. At all times, you ensure data quality and maintain and improve tools, systems, interfaces and platforms. By analyzing and leveraging data, you help improve and sustain a competitive reward strategy.

What’s more, you’ll be our point of contact for payroll and compensation & benefits matters internal and with external parties. As such, you put your expertise to good use in conversations with internal stakeholders and you answer questions about split payrolls, taxes, flex income, and many more.


plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Paula Montes - Recruiter

Who are we?

We are the delaware HR team: a close-knit group of about 36 HR professionals. You can find us in the different delaware offices in Kortrijk, Ghent, Antwerp, Lummen, Liège, Wavre and Luxembourg. With more than 1,600 colleagues in Belgium and Luxembourg alone, you can imagine that every one of them has different needs and expectations when it comes to HR. They come to us with a broad variety of questions on compensation, tax, benefits and social security.

Add to this a dose of ever-changing employment legislation and the challenges that come with reward management, and you immediately get why we need a Senior Payroll Specialist with extensive knowledge on these topics and trends. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do this on your own – you can count on the support of experienced HR colleagues!

Is there a match?

Let’s see. If you…

  • have at least 3 years of payroll experience, preferably within a larger organization.
  • have a solid background in payroll and compensation & benefits.
  • are familiar with eBlox or other payroll tools for GOs and your Excel knowledge start is at least with v-look up) and you are ready to expand that skill
  • always strive for executional excellence, are pragmatic, good with numbers and have a strong analytical mind.
  • are fluent in Dutch or French and have a very good command of English.
  • as a true payroll specialist, you attach great importance to accurate and timely payroll. That’s exactly why you’re both detail and goal oriented.
  • would like to sink your teeth into new payroll & compensation projects and challenges These projects can be strategic or operational – just tell us what you’re passionate about!

…then you may be the Payroll Enthusiast we’re looking for!

Just so you know: we can discuss your work schedule – part time is a possibility.

Let's meet up!

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our HR team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners.

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