Experienced Microsoft 365 Consultant

Microsoft, HR Technology, some experience, consultant

You strongly believe in the possibilities of Microsoft 365 and are passionate about helping people to be more productive and efficient at work.

You like getting to the root of an organization’s concerns, and are eager to help build pretty nifty solutions that improve the overall employee experience.

You know the platform inside out, which means customers can count on you as a skilled consultant to tell them whether or not it can meet their business challenges.

What will you be doing?

You will closely work together with your clients and strive for strong client relationships, because that is what drives you. 

  • Your motto? "Think before you begin". Or in other words, you analyze the business needs of the customer before you start the project. This way you prevent getting unpleasant surprises.
  • You translate the specific needs of the project into a functional blueprint that will be used by your technical colleagues to build a technical architecture or solution. 
  • One size does not fit all. Together with your project team you will propose a tailor-made solution in which you leverage the broad spectrum of Microsoft 365 tools and technologies like SharePoint, Teams, Power Automate, Power Apps, OneDrive for Business, Planner, … You practice what you preach by implementing and configuring the proposed solution.
  • You are guaranteed to have a varied role! Our projects revolve around diverse topics like communication portals, collaboration, LOB integrations, artificial intelligence and BOTs, to just name a few.

delaware has its offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège and Wavre, so you can work from anywhere you’d like. Our customers really appreciate it when we visit them, so you’ll also need to be flexible and do on-site project work with them. This includes analytical work, organizing workshops, facilitating alignment meetings, giving trainings, configuring solutions…everything a consultant likes doing!


more info about this job?

Mathieu Chatelet - Recruiter

Who are we?

We are the Engage team at delaware. Our mission? Making life easier for the modern employee. From sharing files with colleagues to managing projects – employees perform a wide variety of activities in their daily jobs. But, many of them struggle with finding information and collaborating across multiple channels, even more so when working remotely.
Our weapons of choice? Microsoft 365 and its ecosystem.
Our playing field? Medium to large companies in every conceivable industry in all Belgian regions.
We find it exciting to see what Microsoft has in store for the future of work in terms of artificial intelligence, automation, natural language processing and chatbots. That’s why we’ve set up several Communities of Interest (COIs) to discuss the latest advancements in tech. There’s always something new to learn!

Is there a match?

Let’s see. If you…

  • are an experienced consultant who knows all about the Microsoft 365 suite (SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, …) and maybe also have experience with SharePoint 2016/2019;
  • are eager to learn more about (or even have previously worked with) the Power Platform (Power Apps, Power Automate,…);
  • have experimented with several third party tools like ShareGate, Nintex, AvePoint, …;
  • have an analytical mindset and are a strong communicator
  • like to organize workshops to define a customer’s needs and streamline meetings;
  • know how to analyse and translate business requirements into solid solutions ;
  • fluently speak English and Dutch or French.

…then you may be the Microsoft 365 Consultant we’re looking for!

Let’s meet up

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience.

Are you keen to help us grow our Engage team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!


recruitment process

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