Data Scientist

data & ai, marketing & communication, some experience, consultant

As a marketing data scientist, you’re welcome to work on one, multiple or even all of these 4 key domains:
1.    Data capturing. You are not afraid to extract data from various systems in a structured, semi-structured or unstructured way. You find an efficient and pragmatic approach to analyse and visualize the information and are not afraid to sometimes jump into more technical setups together with your data engineering colleagues. 
2.    Strategic & business advise: you act as a business advisor that builts a bridge between IT and the sales and marketing department. You advise our customers on how they can activate their data to optimize their sales and marketing return on investments. You don’t stop at the insight or data discovery but translate it towards a realistic action for our customers to take.  
3.    Visualization. You make sure the data is properly visualized, both content- and design-wise. You keep in mind the different levels of data maturity of your business audience and make sure your message comes across in a clear way. An eye for detail & great data annotations are key. 
4.    Analytics and data science. You help your customers generate the right type of insights. From data analysis for strategic insights on past events or handling large volumes of data to segment a customer base and even predicting future events. This is where the ‘data rubber’ hits the ‘analytics road’. Not an easy task in a complex, multi-platform data environment. Azure Machine Learning Services, Azure Databricks, SQL and Python are at your disposal.

more info about this job?

Contact Evelyne on LinkedIn

Evelyne Mostinckx

Is there a match?

Do you have what it takes to become a delaware marketing data scientist?
•    Are you passionate about data and what it can mean for the sales and marketing department? 
•    Do you have a track record of 3+ years in Business analysis or data science? Maybe you’ve been active as a business or marketing analyst role? Are you at least willing to take a deep dive into one or multiple data & analytics domains?
•    Are you solution-minded by nature? A good communicator? Someone with an analytical mindset who can translate the bits and bytes of data in such a way that a business person can understand it?
•    Do you have experience in working customer facing? To us this means leading workshops, capturing business needs, discussing solutions with clients…
•    Do you have experience with agile ways of working? Have you already worked with some of the tools and platforms mentioned above?
•    Are you fluent in Dutch and English?
Then we could be a match! 

Let's meet up!

Come and have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents, expertise, and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our Customer experience team? Please get in touch with us if you have any questions whatsoever.

delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.


recruitment process

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