Junior Digital Workplace Consultant

Microsoft, RH technology, pas d'experience, consultant·e

As a Junior Digital Workplace Consultant, you'll be working as a functional consultant, straddling the business and IT sides of our projects. What does that mean exactly? A project typically goes a bit like this: first, you visit the customer and organize workshops to analyze their way of working. Based on that information, you create blueprints, drawing up processes and suggesting optimizations. Then the IT part comes into play. You’ll be inputting these processes to a software package and translating business requirements into technical specifications for our developers (who will do the coding). After testing whether everything works properly, you’ll train the customer in how to use the new system. 

Prepare yourself for an interesting journey in the digitalization of HR, working on exciting projects for a broad range of companies and industries! 

comes here!

What team will you be part of?

We are the Digital Workplace team at delaware. Our mission? Making life easier for the modern employee. From sharing files with colleagues to managing projects – employees perform a wide variety of activities in their daily jobs. But, many of them struggle with finding information and collaborating across multiple channels, even more so when working remotely.

Our weapons of choice? Microsoft 365 and its ecosystem.

Our playing field? Medium to large companies in every conceivable industry in all Belgian regions.

We find it exciting to see what Microsoft has in store for the future of work in terms of artificial intelligence, automation, natural language processing, and chatbots. That’s why we’ve set up several Communities of Interest (COIs) to discuss the latest advancements in tech. There’s always something new to learn!

We work where we work best, when we work best. delaware has its offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Liège, Lummen, and Wavre, but as a consultant, you’ll sometimes find yourself on-site with our customers as well. We offer flexible hours, and we’ll find the perfect balance together. 

Prepare to launch your career like a rocket! At delaware, you’ll enjoy an attractive salary package and be part of one of the most exciting workplaces in Belgium and beyond. We’ll provide you with intensive training and onboarding and we’ll invest in your growth every single day. If you’re motivated, the sky really is the limit.  


plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Isabel Bergsma

Are we a match?

Let’s see. If you…

  • are a student or young professional who is interested in the digital workplace (SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, …)
  • have an analytical mindset and are a strong communicator
  • like to organize workshops to define a customer’s needs and streamline meetings;
  • motivated to learn how to analyze and translate business requirements into solid solutions;
  • fluently speak English and Dutch or French.
  • Willing to work from our Kortrijk or Ghent office. Don't worry, your home office is definately on option too!

…then you may be the Junior Digital Workplace Consultant we’re looking for!

Let's chat!

Come and have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents, and previous experience. If you’re interested in multiple vacancies, we’ll keep the conversation open so you can consider all options. 

Are you keen to help us grow and contribute to delaware’s story? Feel free to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Already convinced? Click the Apply Now button below, and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!  

delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners. 

notre jobs

processus de recrutement

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