
Microsoft, cloud & infrastructure, pas d'experience, consultant·e

If you are looking for an internship to complete your studies or just want a first real working experience, even if you don’t know yet which way you want to go after graduation, then look no further and apply today! Please specify the period and length of your internship in your CV or motivation letter. 

What is it you're looking for in an internship?

We usually just listen to what your super power is and find you a team or project that fits your interests. Front end, back end, app or web development, business, supply chain, finance, operations, IoT, SAP,  AI, data – you name it, chances are big that we have an exciting and real case for you to work on. 


plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Isabel Bergsma

What does an internship at delaware have to offer?

  • Full ownership of your own project: you are in charge and decide how you tackle the challenge. At the end, you’ll be the expert on your internship topic and our colleagues will be happy to hear your thoughts. 
  • A lot of learning and dedicated guidance by a team of consultants. 
  • An innovation project that brings actual value to us or our clients. As an intern, you won’t be running back and forth to the coffee machine. 
  • Most importantly: a fun work environment with awesome colleagues and ‘koffiekoeken’ on Mondays.

Shana V. – Functional Microsoft CRM trainee:

Content: Investigate a new Dynamics 365 feature: Portals

What way to best describe my internship? I learned a lot and it brought huge added value to conclude my education. But what I liked the most, was working within a team. I also truly enjoyed the variety of smaller projects that I worked on next to my ‘main’ assignment. 

Thomas V. – Development trainee:

Content: Voice commando integration into a timesheet application

I learned a lot during this internship. When I was stuck at some point in the project or didn’t know what to do anymore, I could always count on the help of my colleagues. They responded almost immediately and really took their time to help me.  

Donovan D. – Mobile & Web development trainee:

Content: Github repository manager, a React & Node.js project

My team members and other colleagues were really nice – they were always keen to help when I had questions. I could always rely on my coaches to follow up on my progress and to assure the quality of my source code.

Joshua V. -  Digital Marketing trainee:

Content: I was part of the digital think team, I was primarily responsible for Google Analytics reporting & managing and reporting AdWords Campaigns. Furthermore I also learned    slightly more about SEO, marketing automation & Google Tag Manager. 

I had an awesome internship with truly amazing colleagues. I learned valuable things that I will really be able to use in my later career. Well, actually, I plan on learning a lot more in the upcoming years at delaware – I was offered the opportunity to stay onboard permanently – and I took it, of course. 

Elout V. L. - Microsoft Infrastructure:

Content: VPN tunnel migration and internal network projects

Well, I must confess that I’m really not a morning person. My colleagues will be able to tell you that too. But at delaware, they understood that. We adapted my working hours to better fit my natural rhythm: I came in a bit later in the morning and compensated for that by staying a bit later if some assignments needed to be finished.

Did we spark your interest?

If you ask us, the best way to really get a taste of what a company is like, is by putting it to the test. We’ll be more than happy to invite you for a cup of coffee – or tea, we’re pretty flexible –  and listen to your story. What are you waiting for? 

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processus de recrutement

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