Functional Service Consultant

Microsoft, supply chain & operations, beaucoup d'experience, consultant·e

As a Functional Service Consultant at delaware, you’ll work on the Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions for different types of customers and business cases– making this job a dream for consultants who like to switch things up. 

Even if you have a background in other ERP-systems – we know from experience that your know-how will be easily translated to the Dynamics 365 F&O environment. Being eager to learn and willing to adapt makes you the perfect fit for our #peopleofdelaware. 

What will you be doing?

You’ll use your in-depth knowledge of Dynamics 365 F&O functionalities and business processes to help implement new functionalities or keep existing Dynamics processes in excellent shape. 

The type of tasks to expect are: 

  • receiving and analyzing tickets
  • solving incidents
  • getting to the bottom of errors
  • handling service requests
  • getting to the bottom of new Dynamics 365 features and presenting them to the customer 
  • implementing new features for our customer
  • collaborating with your technical colleague
  • connecting the customer with the most suitable consultant

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Geraldine Fonck

Who are we?

Our customer portfolio keeps on growing and so does our team. You’ll be part of the Dynamics Run & Accelerate team – offering customers long-term service contracts to ensure their organisation can respond to today's continuously changing business requirements. And we do that with gusto. 

We work where we work best, when we work best. delaware has its offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Liège, Lummen, and Wavre. But it’s important to note we also spend a lot of time connecting and working together with customers on-site. On top of that – we can leverage our broad international network for you to take on full-scale multinational IT and business transformation projects. 

Is there a match?

Let’s get the obvious out of the way: you’re customer-oriented, proactive, can communicate well to get to the core of what clients want and need – and you do this in fluent English (with a side of Dutch or French). 

Furthermore, you: 

  • Are a professional with +3 years of ERP experience, as a key user or as a consultant
  • Are interested in a broad range of solution domains (procurement, production and planning, warehouse management, …) and sectors
  • Have a driver's licence, to get wherever you need to be

Do you check (a lot of) these boxes? Then you’re the Functional Service Consultant we’re looking for. 

Prepare to launch your career like a rocket! At delaware, you'll enjoy an attractive salary package and you'll be part of one of the most exciting workplaces in Belgium and beyond. We'll provide you with thorough training and onboarding and will invest in your growth every single day. If you're motivated, the sky is really the limit.

Let's meet up!

Experience and proven expertise are much more important to us than your degree. So let’s meet up! 
and we’ll connect to talk more about the job, your talents, track record and your future with the #peopleofdelaware! 

* delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.

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processus de recrutement

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