Operations Consultant D365 F&O

Microsoft, supply chain & operations, un peu d'experience, consultant·e

You’re eager to work on innovative D365 F&O Operations projects and look forward to guiding customers through their move to Dynamics 365 and add value to their business processes. You’re committed to expand your knowledge by staying up-to-date on the latest technologies in your field.

Then you may be the Operations Consultant D365 F&O we’re looking for!

What will you be doing?

As an experienced consultant, we don’t need to tell you what the job of a Operations Consultant D365 F&O entails. What can you expect at delaware? 

  • Interesting D365 greenfield implementation projects in various industries: manufacturing, retail, professional services, textile,... 
  • Working on local projects or having an international scope, it's up to you! 
  • We enable you to design your own career path: growing towards Project Manager, Solution Architect,... A lot is possible! 
  • You coach less experienced team members in configuring the system and training end-users.

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Geraldine Fonck

Who are we

Our Dynamics 365 Operations team is a tight group of more than 40 Operations experts, be it in Manufacturing, Textile, Retail or Distribution. We offer end-to-end services from the entire Microsoft eco-system. Therefore, we work on mutual projects with our other Dynamics teams (Finance, Development and Customer Engagement) or get together outside of work for the occasional teambuilding or Friday night drinks. Through this close collaboration, we ensure that our customers can receive, produce and send their goods faster and more cost-effectively.  

Sounds good, right? We also follow all Microsoft Dynamics 365 evolutions closely. That’s why we are an industry-leading Microsoft Gold partner. (And we wear that badge with pride!)  

Just so you know: delaware has its offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège and Wavre, but we also spend a lot of time working together with our customers on-site

Is there a match?

Let’s see. If you…

  • have +3 years of Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O experience as a consultant and combine that with a solid background in operations management; 
  • can weigh up your customer’s business situation swiftly and translate it into clear functional solutions;
  • are well-organized, a good communicator and customer-oriented by nature;
  • are fluent in Dutch or French with a good level of proficiency in English;  

…then you may be the Operations Consultant D365 F&O consultant we’re looking for!  

Let's meet up

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our Dynamics 365 Operations team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners. 
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