Why we should introduce network thinking in IT change communication projects
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Today, most b2b IT change communication assignments just concern one link in the chain: our customers ask us to help them in gaining internal support for their IT projects. The focus lies on creating awareness within their own organization and to increase the adoption rate of new applications by the end users. In itself, the fact that IT is communicating with the business is already a major leap forward. It has undoubtedly become necessary for IT to communicate internally about the business benefits it brings. Especially since the role of IT is questioned and its power – and financial resources – risks being transferred to the business. In other words, IT is under pressure to show its added value.
We can only welcome the first steps that IT is taking in the field of communication. However, we believe the unexplored gold mine is even bigger than most organizations now estimate. It also requires multiple departments, such as marketing and sales, to take part in the communication efforts.