The journey: challenging...
“The collaboration was pretty intense and really valuable,” says Andy De Meyer, XR lead at delaware. “Inez and her colleagues first immersed us in the ins and outs of lifeboat equipment and launching procedures, so that we could then painstakingly translate every detail to the XR application.
“More than that, we dived deep into teaching and learning methodologies to make sure the tool would provide the very best learning experience. That was, in fact, the most challenging part. Not from a technology point of view, but it’s difficult to determine when practice is good practice, how to formulate substantive feedback to students and how to score their proficiency. Inez and her colleagues provided great help in this too. It was an exceptionally valuable co-creation partnership.”
... but definitely worth it
Inez confirms: "It’s been quite a ride, but really worth it. Virtual training offers plenty of benefits. Students now have the flexibility to practice whenever and wherever they want. Moreover, they can repeat the actions that they may be struggling with at their own pace, until they feel confident about their skills. This individual approach makes XR learning a great add-on to the real-life group sessions, both for the students and for us, as lecturers, as we can now track and assess each student individually.
“Moreover, we can easily analyze the use and results of the course in the learning management system. That helps us to constantly optimize our training sessions. Last but definitely not least: virtual lifeboat launch courses are 100% safe. That’s really important to us as well.”