2. Unveil the power of all things data
“Finance has always been data driven, but data was mostly used for traditional responsibilities, like getting the books right, financial reporting, budgeting and a bit of forecasting,” Kristof explains. “Moreover, the finance team uses structured data, which they can neatly insert into an Excel sheet. Yet today there is a massive amount of unstructured data available, from text, images and social media messages to sensor and geographical data. Armed with insights from this data, CFOs can help improve operational decision-making – and hence, the bottom line, by answering questions, such as, ‘which customer is the most profitable?’ or ‘which products will be in high demand next month?’”
“The volume and velocity of data from a number of diverse sources is increasing,” Kristof goes on to say. “So, there is more data than ever, more than enough computing power, and technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) is ready to make connections between data and convert it into real-time decision support. Everything is there for the finance team to generate business value.”