in operational superiority – starting from the customer
Our CCM approach begins by identifying costs associated with capabilities that give an organization its unique competitive advantages, with activities needed to compete in its sector, and with activities required for standard corporate operations.
Some key questions to consider:
- Do you have a comprehensive overview of your company’s operational processes, activities and costs?
- Do you know where you can rapidly reduce costs without impeding your growth capacity?
- Will potential measures enhance effectiveness, profit margins and cash flow without impacting the customer experience?
The starting point for operational superiority is a thorough analysis of customer-facing processes that progresses methodically backwards through operational processes.
Focus lies on the use of data and analytics to prioritize and customize cost reductions so that they align with and support long-term success. delaware’s CCM approach rationalizes, simplifies, and automates a company’s operational capabilities to drive margin and cash-flow improvement, identifying both quick wins as well as sustained cost-management opportunities in the areas of production, customer service, back office and beyond. The goal? Ensuring that each operational process step adds value for the customer and the business.
The process involves investment in operational excellence, process automation, and technologies that permanently embed the gains made in efficiency and effectiveness – which contrasts with the route that most businesses take: across-the-board cuts for short-term benefits.
An example: