SAP development lead

SAP, développement de logiciels, beaucoup d'experience, consultant·e

When was the last time you translated a business need into a technical solution that could change an entire organization? That’s exactly what you’ll do with us!

What will you be doing?

As a Senior SAP Development Lead at delaware, you truly understand what businesses need and how we can deliver it. You’re eager to take the lead in transforming ideas into innovative solutions, guide customers through their move to SAP S/4 HANA, and add value to their business processes.

If development is in your DNA and you’re ready to take on a leading role, then you may be the Senior SAP Development Lead we’re looking for.


plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Paulien Aalders

Who are we?

Did you know delaware is Belgium’s biggest SAP integrator? This means we get to work with the latest SAP technologies, such as all S/4 HANA deployments, SAP Fiori, SAP Cloud Platform services like ABAP Environment, iRPA, HANA Cloud, API Management, and the SAP Business Technology Platform. Enough with the name-dropping though — you probably already know your way around these technologies! And if you don’t, we’ll happily guide you through them 😉.

We are the SAP Development team. We’re a fun-loving and ambitious team with a strong group dynamic. Even though there are more than 60 of us, we’re still a very tight-knit bunch! We love going for drinks together and we organize the best team events. It’s in our nature to coach our teammates: seniors happily share knowledge with newer members of the team (and vice versa). So what’s it like to work with us? ‘Unique,’ ‘adventurous,’ and ‘challenging’ are just three of the words team members have used to describe their experience. Read our stories here.

We have a broad spectrum of projects and customers in a wide variety of sectors and across the entire range of SAP modules. We also offshore development work to our colleagues in Harbin (China), but it’s up to the development lead to decide which tasks stay with us and which are sent to China.

Just so you know: delaware has offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège, and Wavre, but we also spend a lot of time working with our customers on-site. We also offer the flexibility to work from home.

Is there a match?

  • As a Senior Development Lead, we expect you to have more than 3 years of experience in SAP development. You know your way around the ABAP Platform, Adobe Forms, oData services, Fiori, Eclipse ADT, RAP, and more; and how they can add value to business processes. Any supplementary knowledge like the RISE with SAP offering and BTP is a plus.
  • You have a strong desire and the capacity to turn business requirements into technical solutions.
  • Leadership is your strong suit. Your hands-on, no-nonsense approach means you can provide clear guidance to development teams, both in Belgium and abroad.
  • You are cut from the right consulting cloth: you’re proactive and a good communicator who combines the drive for results with flexibility and an understanding of the coordination of development trajectories, both in and outside SAP.
  • Dutch is your native language or you’ve become fluent over your professional career. You can communicate clearly in English.

Let's meet up!

Come and have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents, and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our SAP Development team? Please get in touch with us if you have any questions whatsoever.

Don’t worry if you can’t meet all of our requirements. If you can meet some of them, then we want to hear from you and learn all about your skills, talents, and motivation. Click the Apply Now button below, and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all our people. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee of success for our employees, our customers, and our partners.

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