Sales Manager process industry

Microsoft, sales, beaucoup d'experience, service support

delaware is a leading IT consultancy firm, implementing end-to-end business application solutions for a wide range of industries. Our work with global tech giants like Microsoft, SAP, and Salesforce allows us to deliver cutting-edge solutions, helping our clients innovate and stay ahead of the competition. 
At delaware, we structure our sales efforts through Industry Value Stream (IVS) teams, each focused on delivering value within a specific industry. In the IVS Process we are a leading consultancy in the process industry, specializing in offering end-to-end solutions tailored to Chemicals, Pharma, and Mill clients. By partnering with global technology leaders, we help our clients optimize their operations, enhance sustainability, and drive innovation. Our expertise spans across process optimization, digital transformation, and supply chain management.

Who will you be doing?

As a Sales Manager, you’ll focus on identifying and developing new business opportunities, nurturing existing client relationships, and bringing in new customers. Your responsibilities will include: 

  • Leverage your network to generate leads and bring in new business.  
  • Own your sales pipeline from A to Z. Identify opportunities, meet with prospects, and work closely with our technical teams to create customized solutions. 
  • Position yourself as a trusted advisor, using your industry knowledge to recommend the best solutions for your clients. 
  • Work closely with customers throughout the lifecycle of their projects, ensuring their needs are met and fostering long-term relationships. 
  • Stay on top of trends in the IT and professional services markets, and be on the lookout for new opportunities. 

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Paulien Aalders

Is there a match?

We are looking for an experienced person . However, to succeed in this role, we are looking for someone who meets the following criteria:

  • You have solid experience in sales within the process industry, specifically in Chemicals, Pharma, or Mill sectors with a focus on IT or business consulting services.
  • You are fluent in French and/ or Dutch and comfortable communicating in English too.
  • You think and act like an entrepreneur. You’re proactive, self-driven, and eager to explore new business opportunities.
  • You focus on understanding client needs and providing tailored solutions, rather than simply selling products.
  • You thrive in a collaborative team environment and value the contributions of colleagues.
  • You are eager to continuously learn, staying informed on industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices in the process sector.

Let's meet up!

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our Sales team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!  

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners.  

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stratégie de rémunération