Finance Business Consultant for Microsoft Business Central

Microsoft, finance, beaucoup d'experience, consultant·e

How many companies can you think of where you’re actually encouraged to walk around with your head in the clouds? Probably not many – but we’re one of them! The cloud is where our delaware Microsoft Business Central consultants feel most at home, and rightly so. Nevertheless, we also have our feet planted firmly on the ground. 
Do you want to be involved in a wide range of innovative Microsoft projects and take our own objectives and those of our customers to the next level? Read on, then!

Vous souhaitez participer à un large éventail de projets Microsoft innovants et faire passer nos propres objectifs et ceux de nos clients au niveau supérieur ? Alors, lisez la suite !

What will you be doing?

  • Together with the customer, you’ll find the best solutions to cover their end-to-end financial and operational processes.
  • First, you’ll set up a prototype of the customers’ key processes in the Microsoft Business Central system. Then, you’ll help users to get the most out of their new environment, by supporting them through the different phases of the implementation, up until the go-live. Once live, you’ll provide after-care support.
  • By implementing Microsoft Business Central, you’ll allow our customers, mid-size companies, to focus on what matters – making them unique within their given market.
  • Microsoft Business Central implementations follow a fit-to-standard approach and have a more limited project duration between 4 – 12 months,. This means you’ll have the opportunity to work on multiple projects, each with a shorter lead time
  • The communicative consultant you are, you support our Sales colleagues in various presales projects
  • Experienced in project management or interested in a deep dive? There are plenty of opportunities to demonstrate or build these skills.

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Geraldine Fonck

Who are we?

delaware has its offices in Gent, Antwerpen, Kortrijk, Lummen, Wavre and Liège. You’ll either work from one of these, surrounded by your colleagues, or meet with your customers onsite, who’ll appreciate the close cooperation. Do our company values appeal to you? We take care of our employees and customers, we are committedenterprising and respectful, and we do everything based on a sense of positive team spirit.  

Is there a match?

Let’s see if you’re the right fit for the job we’re offering:

  • good practical knowledge on finance and controlling processes, e.g. as an ERP implementation consultant, preferably knowledgeable in Microsoft Business Central or Navision
  • An interest in end-to-end ERP scenarios and their impact on controlling and finance.
  • A pragmatic mind that speaks to both finance and technology?
  • Excellent communication skills, regardless of whether your audience is customer or colleague?
  • Flexibility in regard to working in a project based environment?
  • A professional’s way with English and Dutch or French?

Let's meet up

You can find out more about us on our website and blog. Our colleague Joakim can give you a sense of what it’s like to work for us here, but we’re even nicer in real life!

Are you keen to help us grow our Microsoft Business Central team? Click the Apply Now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners. 
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