Business developer - Discrete Manufacturing

Microsoft, sales, un peu d'experience, service support

Do you have a proven track record of driving sales growth, developing strategic sales plans? This might be the job for you.

If you are a results-oriented professional with excellent leadership skills and a passion for sales, we would love to hear from you.

What will you be doing?

As a business developer, you will manage for our client portfolio in the Discrete Manufacturing and Automotive business.

  • Your playing field is our entire services & IT portfolio, with a clear focus on Microsoft and SAP. You’ll maintain excellent relationships with all (y)our customer contacts, but also use your network to generate new customers.
  • You’ll follow up your sales processes (from lead to contract) in all autonomy from A to Z. Of course, you’ll work together closely with technical consultants and propose a solution that shows you understand the reality and challenges of your customer. You always choose the consultative sales approach. This means you sell based on knowledge and expertise.
  • You’ll also commit to being a true account manager: you’re part of the team and support our consultants and customers in all phases of the project. You keep your finger on the pulse throughout the entire process, so that no unpleasant surprises come out of the blue.
  • You’ll also keep a close eye on the many internal, innovative projects at delaware. And who knows, maybe the latest IoT or AI initiatives could be something your customers are interested in?

plus d'infos sur ce métier ?

Paulien Aalders

Who are we?

Together with our business partners Microsoft and SAP, we implement end-to-end business application solutions for an international group of customers. Of course, before starting the actual implementation, we need to convince them of the solutions and services we offer. And that’s where you come in!

At delaware we offer these services to a broad spectrum of clients within different sectors. Within our commercial organization we work in Industry Value Streams (IVS), responsible for leading our efforts in five industry groups, with a clear focus on delivering value to our customers. Our IVS MAKE with an extensive network in discrete manufacturing and automotive customers, not only offers business development, but also manages alliances with our vendors or technology partners, markteting and hospitality.

Just so you know: delaware has its offices in Antwerp, Ghent, Kortrijk, Lummen, Liège and Wavre, but we also spend a lot of time working together with our customers on-site

If you are already part of #peopleofdeaware, we encourage moving up and around within the company. Do you think the open position might be a good fit for you? If so, feel free to chat with the recruiter to explore the possibilities!

Is there a match?

  • Do you have at least 3 years of work experience in a commercial role within the Discrete Manufacturing or Automotive industry? Having experience in selling IT and software implementation projects would make you the cream of the crop, but we are absolutely open to experts from other services too.
  • Are you comfortable sitting around the table with CxOs of medium to large companies and discuss possible IT solutions together?
  • Are you a networker by nature? Do you mingle like a pro and spot opportunities to quickly expand our customer network across the country?
  • Are you a team player who understands the interests of every team member?Just know that you can always rely on your Sales colleagues for support, if necessary.
  • Do you communicate fluently in English and Dutch or French (depending on your region)?

The great thing about this role, is that you will have freedom to shape it yourself and be a true entrepreneur. Come have a chat with us if that’s who you want to be!

Let's meet up!

Come have a chat with us and tell us all about your skills, talents and previous experience. Are you keen to help us grow our Sales team? Make sure to connect with us if you have any questions whatsoever. Click the Apply now button below and hopefully we’ll get to meet each other soon!

delaware firmly commits to creating an inclusive work environment that empowers all. A diverse workforce is the best guarantee for success for our employees, our customers and our partners.

notre jobs

processus de recrutement

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