SAP Digital Manufacturing (DM)

SAP Digital Manufacturing (DM)

SAP DM: your gateway to Industry 4.0

SAP Digital Manufacturing (DM) is an innovative, cloud-based manufacturing execution system (MES) that connects your business systems with your shop floor equipment and production processes. But SAP DM does more than supporting end-to-end orchestration and execution. It also provides manufacturers with real-time and large-scale operational visibility – a gateway to Industry 4.0.

Stepping through that door marks your first move towards increased connectedness, future-proof automation, and cross-functional analytics in real time. Get ready for unseen process transparency, predictive maintenance, and optimization through artificial intelligence and machine learning. Additionally, optimal horizontal integration will enable you to successfully grow your operations at the same level of your value chain.

DM is the first major step in a digital transformation towards industry 4.0
Rémi Krick, SAP DM Senior Consultant at delaware

some features you'll love

SAP DM for Execution (DMe)

  • Support shop floor registrations: manage and monitor production orders, downtimes, time/scrap/yield registrations, usage of materials, component consumption, movement of goods, etc.;
  • Resource orchestration & dispatching: schedule tasks, monitor resource availability, check production progress, labor and tool management, etc.;
  • Floor stock: manage, monitor and maintain shop floor stock and inventory;
  • Quality control: record quality inspections of goods, identify and handle non-conformances and defects;
  • Work in Process (WIP) tracking: monitor and optimize the production flow of each item in the manufacturing process;
  • Data collection: collect machine data to automate registrations (e.g., breakdowns) and acquire real-time reports on, for example, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE);
  • Work instructions: request and display operator instructions, both static (e.g., as a pdf) and dynamic (e.g., 3D images).

SAP DM for Insights (DMi)

  • Real-time operational visibility: insights into availability, production performance, OEE, and other (personalized) KPIs;
  • Artificial intelligence & machine-learning scenarios: deploy artificial intelligence and machine-learning models for predictive production and maintenance, and to prevent quality issues;
  • Horizontal integration: combine data across shop floor systems and external partners or services;
  • Alert management: automatically signal KPI breaches to your stakeholders.

ready to explore SAP DM the delaware way?

Cloud and clear

Every single day, we help lots of (global) clients move towards a cloud-based MES to keep up with technological developments and become future-proof. While manufacturing processes are literally an on-premises activity, you can reap many benefits by orchestrating them in the cloud. For example, it allows you to deploy critical functions on edge components. But the advantages don’t end there:

  • A central, global overview of all your manufacturing processes;
  • High scalability of your systems, in line with your organizational growth;
  • Real-time visibility and business insights – anywhere, anytime, on any device;

How delaware can help

We’re happy to help you kick off your SAP DM journey and maximize its value for your shop floor. Our experience in manufacturing (SAP, ERP, MES, …) spans more than 15 years, and our talented consultants represent a wide variety of specializations.

That experience and expertise ensure that we fully understand the needs and challenges of the shop floor. We know the right integration for your unique situation, and gladly assist you in every chapter of your SAP DM success story. From roadmaps and blueprints to the actual implementation and integration – we’ll get it done.

SAP Digital Manufacturing Potential for the Mill Industry

DM4Mill by delaware is a MES industry solution covering industry-specific requirements and processes.

It seamlessly integrates production managers with machine operators and stakeholders for intra logistics. Quality control along with End2End Traceability goes hand in hand with the solution. You are guided through the production in an interactive way handling industry-specific process requirements. Machine integration frees your experts up from repetitive work and increases data accuracy. Manufacturing insights enables transparency on processes at work center level, along the production process and even across production locations.

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