

Integration: connecting the dots, keeping track of the whole

Now that all-in-one business suites are being replaced with best-of-breed IT landscapes, solid integration between business applications is more important than ever. A systemic approach based on technical and strategic best practices is paramount to keep track of the whole. 

Why integration matters

From managing complexity to unlocking data

In today’s IT landscapes, every business process seems to have its own niche application. However, the processes itself still require multiple internal and external stakeholders to work together.

Integration challenges

As a result, companies are faced with several ‘integration challenges’, including

  • establishing reliable and secure communication between internal and external systems;
  • automating business processes across solutions;
  • preserving the ‘speed of innovation’ when IT needs to focus entirely on keeping things running.

Handling integration complexity

The integration of business applications often flows from an enterprise architecture exercise. It needs to take several levels of complexity into account:

  • Technological: on premise, hybrid, or SaaS
  • Stakeholders: employees, clients, government agencies, subcontractors, partners etc.
  • A plethora of applications, each with their own protocols. 
we commit
to helping our clients develop a solid and scalable integration strategy according to operational needs and strategic objectives

Our approach: Integration as a Service

To handle integration complexity and boost business efficiency, the integration team at delaware has developed a customized methodology. The main features of our approach are:

  • A step-by-step method with clear priorities to tackle time and budget restraints.
  • A thorough assessment of needs and objectives.
  • Frequent ‘synchronization’ sessions to enable further optimization.
  • A ‘master view’ to keep track of the whole.
  • Close collaboration and involvement of the client.
  • Thorough automated and regression testing.
  • Use of pre-developed accelerators based on experience and end-to-end process expertise.


The state of genAI at Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce and OpenText

To say that generative AI (genAI) evolves rapidly is an understatement. Keeping track of everything that’s happening can be overwhelming and time consuming. At the same time, you need to have a basic idea of what’s out there, or you risk falling behind. Luckily, our AI experts Wouter Labeeuw and Pieterjan De Schrijver did the heavy lifting for you. read more

How can we put generative AI to work? 5 use cases

We all know generative AI or genAI has far-reaching implications for arts and entertainment, and even in healthcare and education the impact is palpable. But what about day-to-day business challenges? Can this omnipresent technology really make life easier for you and your stakeholders, or is it all just marketing speak? Our in-house AI experts Sven Arnauts and Wouter Labeeuw discuss the challenges – and opportunities – of making genAI work for you and your organization. read more

GenAI in Finance: how to ensure governance and maximize returns

Driven by AI, finance departments are pivoting from traditional analysis to a more streamlined, automated approach that focuses on planning, risk management, and strategic decision-making. But that’s not the only way in which AI and genAI are changing work for finance teams. The CFO, together with the CIO, also plays a key role in AI selection, adoption, and governance. read more

Today's and tomorrow's challenges for CFOs (and how to tackle them)

In today's rapidly changing business environment, the role of CFOs is undergoing a profound transformation. Beyond their traditional financial role, CFOs today are strategists and catalysts for change, driving their organizations through periods of uncertainty and opportunity alike. As we navigate through the changing complexities of the 21st century, recent research and market trends confirm the expanding role and capability set of CFOs. read more