Create standard building blocks for products
To successfully apply product personalisation, you need to make fundamental changes to your product management, processes and IT support. But which way should you go?
For most companies, this is the transition from an ETO to a CTO (configure-to-order) process. This means that you start dividing products into configurable standard building blocks. The result is that customisation becomes increasingly standardised and is incorporated as an integral part of the logistics process.
You can regard the CTO process as putting together a new house, where the future occupant has a choice of windows, doors, extension options and connections. The customer thus has a choice of predefined options. The advantage of this is that it offers customer-specific options without requiring development capacity from the internal organisation. You don't have to build a product from scratch every time, because you can compose it from these predefined elements.
Moreover, you can repeat the underlying standardised processes and optimise them as you go along. So you save a lot of time as a result of product and process development having already taken place before the customer's order arrives.