Nutri-Score Calculator

Nutri-Score Calculator

For food industry players that want to automatically calculate the Nutri-Scores of their products to offer consumers greater transparency
Automatic calculation of the Nutri-Score
SAP integrated into recipe development module
See the immediate effects of recipe changes on the Nutri-Score
  • Time-saving, single source of truth regarding product recipes.
  • User-friendly maintenance.
  • Report the correct Nutri-Score logo on your product label.
Standard edition
  • € 7.5K

    Setup fee

What is included?
  • Calculation engine
  • Setup of property trees, inclusion of pictogram on end specifications, setup of expert rules server for one Nutri-Score product group. One time investment including training. 
  • Prerequisites: RM or RD activated
  • Inclusive of logo printing on end specification sheets (Word/pdf)
Royal Fassin

contact our expert

Maarten Cordenier

Maarten Cordenier

Maarten is Solution Owner and Partner at delaware. He is responsible for the go-to market of our FAST-Solution for the Food and Beverage industry. He has been working with Food projects since 2000, and since 2004 he combined this with IT (ERP). He has two passions: in business to help Food and Beverage companies to become smarter the day after tomorrow, in private to explore and experience food in any way possible by either cooking or eating.

linked packages

ERP & Cloud


  • Food
  • SAP

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