

Bring your analytics to a new level

delaware has been co-innovating with SAP, to continuously improve the solutions, address gaps and innovate based on customer feedback. Working with SAP, we have developed a global analytics capability as well as tools and accelerators to help our customers realize value more rapidly. We deliver this with the following packaged approach:  

Why are reporting and analytics difficult?

  • ERP data and operational data often reside in separate systems which makes integrated reporting difficult. 

  • Without a plan, business dashboarding and analytics are historically done poorly. 

  • Depending on how technical your reporting team is, the selection of analytic tools may differ, buy the wrong one and you may find yourself with the wrong tool or wrong people. 

  • Distributing the right information to the right people, at the right time is critical to improving key operational decision making. 

Enable your analytics decision making based on requirements and use case, not just solutions

  • Demonstrations and discovery to understand analytic requirements, integration, and visualization to help you choose the right solution for the business. 

  • Provide proof of concept with a client’s use case demonstrating the capabilities of Analytics and Delaware’s FAST BI solution. 

  • Develop your roadmap and data readiness, from core reporting through to advanced analytics and machine learning. 

  • Co-innovate BTP solutions to automate analytics, workflows, and dashboards to enrich ERP and non-ERP data in one place. 

Optimized analytics and visualization to support informed decisions

  • Automated and integrated solution reporting in one place. 

  • Provide low code and no code solutions to exceed corporate or self-reporting requirements. 

  • Enriched visualization with the information required to make better decisions, faster. 

  • Presentation of data, in an aggregated way aligned to operational roles. 

  • Operational and managerial dashboards and applications designed to optimize performance and enable decision making. 

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Reach out to our Utilities experts

Stuart Querns

Solution Director, Energy & Utilities, delaware North America

Jared Ray

Managing Director, Energy & Utilities, delaware North America