Applying in a pandemic: 3 tips

Dec 11, 2020

If there’s one thing this pandemic has taught us, it’s that empathy is crucial. We are social beings and a lot of us have suffered from having few social contacts this past year. At delaware, we care about everyone we work with, our customers and the environment we work in. Likewise, we want to make sure your job interview is handled in a professional way, while feeling as comfortable as possible. A successful job interview is one where you can be yourself, and see if there’s a match between you and our company. So how can you prepare yourself optimally when applying for a job in times of COVID-19?

3 tips on how to get ready for a video call job interview


1. Technology check

Check in advance if your tech is working well. Run a quick test on your microphone, camera and internet connection. Install the application needed for the job interview well in advance. As soon as you receive the link to the application meeting you can go ahead and install the program and again… run a test. If anything goes wrong before the interview, contact the person you’re having the interview with for some help.

2. Punctuality and formality

Let’s talk dress code. Doing a job interview from home has a lot of advantages. You can dress in a comfortable way to feel more at ease. We still recommend you to dress the way you would have done for a live interview though, because it shows your personality. And it’s you we want to get to know. Another advantage is the lack of traffic. No need to look for the right address or arrive half an hour early to find a parking spot. You can prepare in a more relaxed way. Ask your housemates to be off-site during your interview and browse the internet for some last-minute information. To avoid being interrupted during the interview, make sure all of your other devices are on silent mode.

3. The set-up

Choose a neutral background with good lighting, but don’t be afraid to show your workspace if it’s relevant to your interview. A virtual background can be a nice alternative if you don’t have a suitable space to do the call from.

40% of job interviews were already carried out in a digital format before the pandemic. Now, this trend has increased exponentially and we have made our entire recruitment process digital to keep ahead of the game. Even the last step, the financial proposal, is handled completely digitally. However, we aim to keep offering you the most personal experience throughout the process, as our recruiters are your trusted guide at every step of the way, up until your first day at delaware. You’ll be thoroughly informed on the different steps and people you’ll meet during your recruitment process.

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