Digital transformation

Digital transformation

Digital transformation: create your roadmap to improve your performance

Digital transformation is the strategic transformation of your activities, processes, skills, and business models in order to maximize the opportunities offered by digital technologies. 

Smart sensors, wireless connectivity, data storage in the cloud, increased computing power, intelligent analytical tools, cost-effective storage of large amounts of data,...: this is the world we live in today. These are the tools we find everywhere. The questions we ask: what can these technologies do for your business? How can you harness their power? And if you do, how will it impact other aspects of your business?

From a business perspective, digital transformation is the integration of digital technologies at all levels of an organization; integration that results in fundamental changes in the way companies operate and deliver value to their customers.

Digital transformation takes two forms: external and internal:

  • Externally: the relationship you create with your clients;
  • Internally: the way your company operates.

In both cases, digital transformation aims to boost your performance, achieve operational excellence and improve the customer experience.

we help your company adopt a new and more efficient way of working and put continuous improvement at the heart of our DNA

The 5 fundamentals aspects of operational excellence:

There are 5 areas where internal digital transformation can impact your business:

  1. The offer - Optimize your products, services and the channels through which they are distributed;
  2. Processes - Deploy your resources to meet your customers' expectations at the lowest cost;
  3. Operations Management - Monitor and analyze your performance, or effectively plan production, capacity and demand;

4. Organization - Improve transparency and build a customer-focused organization, e.g. with self-policing teams ;

5. Collaborators - Create the right mindset through formal mechanisms, role modeling, engagement.

Let your customer vision guide you

The internal and external dimensions of digital transformation go hand in hand. Companies that focus exclusively on improving operational excellence risk missing opportunities to drive true customer engagement. Digital transformation gives you the opportunity to put the customer at the heart of your business - and make them the cornerstone of your business - and it helps organizations make better decisions and maximize the value of the customer lifecycle. The ability to meet your customers' needs requires a high level of agility.

A holistic vision, a personalized approach

delaware can help you adopt the right technologies, rethink your business model and systematically develop your organizational capabilities. We offer a comprehensive, customized approach to improve your performance and expand your business.

What we can do for you :

  • We raise awareness through workshops, inspiration sessions and targeted audits;
  • We define improvement programs and propose a vision, a strategy and a roadmap;
  • We carry out the necessary transformations and implementations for your business;
  • We build the architecture of your business processes, we control it and we train your staff to use it.

Why Choosing delaware ?

  • We offer a structured approach;
  • We combine business and technology in an innovative way;
  • We work closely with your team;
  • We have over 15 years of experience in business transformation across a wide range of industries.

Start your digital transformation