Discrete manufacturing

Discrete manufacturing

Optimizing agility and innovation in discrete manufacturing

When a product moves from one process to another in an unstructured manner, production becomes a complex process. Add to that a growing demand for customized products, smaller lot sizes, extremely short life cycles and new technologies embedded in products, and you've named just a handful of the challenges facing companies in the industry today.

One word sums up the No. 1 characteristic needed to survive and thrive in discrete manufacturing: flexibility. Times are changing, technology is evolving at an ever-increasing pace, and companies unable to adopt new and creative ways to use data, support innovation, streamline processes, and integrate their equipment with their ERP systems risk losing their competitive advantage and profitability.

at delaware, we specialize in a wide range of discrete industrial processes, and we speak your language

3 biggest challenges in discrete manufacturing

While automation and digitalisation are difficult to tackle in any industry, discrete manufacturing comes with very specific challenges that need to be solved with industry-specific IT solutions by an experienced partner.

1. Production planification: to produce customized products in a flexible and fast way while keeping a minimum of stock at hand, companies must find new ways to be creative with the tools at their disposal.

2. Product complexity: companies should be able to design products that are both flexibly manufactured, but which themselves have many options, even in the face of increasingly short product life cycles.

3. Traceability: each step of the production process must be transparent through the integration of the machine with several systems.

delaware offers knowledge models based on SAP and Microsoft

We understand the importance of your company's history and the specific needs of your industry when it comes to developing an effective IT solution that truly enables efficiency. Our in-house FAST-Engineering™ (SAP) and SMART-Engineering™ (Microsoft) models target discrete industry companies of all sizes interested in operational excellence. Our solutions enable:

  • flexible and data-enriched production processes
  • transparency in the planning of production
  • new technologies (IoT, sensors) to be integrated into products
  • real-time reporting and analysis of shop floor processes
  • optimized tooling implementation
  • Integration with cross-industry areas such as advanced planning and warehousing

Why Delaware

We work with you in a technology-independent manner to help you identify the most appropriate tool for your business.

We have an active presence in the discrete industry; many companies currently rely on FAST-Engineering™ or SMART-Engineering™.

We have deep expertise in specific verticals as diverse as steel, engineering, wood, high tech and more.

We're not just technical experts on the solution; we fully understand how to apply it in the context of your industry's best practices.

We take an agile approach to projects and work closely with your team to ensure the most impactful results.

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