Bulk, whole ingredients and process milling

Bulk, whole ingredients and process milling

 A unique approach

Within the food industry, the bulk, whole ingredients and milling subsector occupy a unique niche.

Spanning the entire globe and subject to seasonal changes, companies active in bulk and milling must display extraordinary levels of flexibility and resilience while also complying with the most stringent food safety regulations.

One company, many faces

Operating on a global scale, companies in the bulk and milling industry have to deal with the complications of different time zones, currencies, languages, and regulations. Only through a unified, centralized administration system can they tackle the challenges that come with this high level of fragmentation.

Fluctuating global prices

Commodities like grains are bought and sold on the world market. As a result, prices can be extremely volatile, requiring food companies to make strategic decisions and adapt their supply chains at lightning speed.  

Seasons, product quality and blending

In the bulk and whole ingredients industry, seasonal harvest and product quality go hand in hand. Through a process called ‘blending’, companies in this sector can maintain consistent product quality levels over many seasons and years. However, the blending itself is a meticulous process that requires high levels of expertise – and the right data insights.

to tackle fragmentation on a global scale, companies in the bulk and milling and whole ingredients industry need a centralized administration system

delaware offers unique solutions to food processing companies

Our experts have in-depth knowledge of your industry and the challenges your business is facing.

By combining our business insights with leading-edge approaches, digital tools and accelerators crafted in house specifically for companies in food industry segments, we can help you transform your processes and take efficiency, transparency, sustainability and profitability to new heights.

discover our services for bulk and milling