Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at delaware

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at delaware

this is me, this is us

Diversity is a fact, inclusion is a choice.

  • We want to assure everyone feels included, regardless of all diversities. Striving for true inclusion implies removing all barriers, discrimination and intolerance
  • Fairness and equality matter. We want to provide the solid ground to make every individual feel respected & supported, and able to grow in the direction they wish to, with equal growth opportunities
  • We embrace and cherish individual, cultural, national and organizational differences, regarding them as positive factors that lead to greater creativity, new ideas and fresh insights.
  • As an employer, we truly believe that respecting our people's diversity and striving for true inclusion enriches us in who we are, what we stand for, and what we deliver.
At delaware, there is no room for prejudice, intolerance or discrimination. Respect for every individual is at the heart of our company.
Eric Hiernaux, Managing Partner

celebrate diversity

World Day for Cultural Diversity calls for a celebration. Held every year on 21 May, UNESCO highlights not only the richness of the world’s cultures, but also the essential role of intercultural dialogue for achieving peace and sustainable development. 

Hence our e-cookbook compiled by our #peopleofdelaware as a tribute to the world’s culinary open-minded regime. They represent our unique experiences being shared with one another.

Each ingredient is a hint of delaware's DNA, each recipe a statement of deep rooted cultural cuisinery and creativity by #peopleofdelaware.

Use these recipes to spark your imagination and embark on a trip to all corners of the globe. Expand your vision by discovering new types of ingredients, recipes and flavours. After all, isn’t food the perfect way to step out of your comfort zone to try new and exciting things? We are different and unique but we all share the same dream. Together we shape the future. 

Browse, indulge and explore!

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